جراحات إصلاح الحروق في مختلف أجزاء الجسم القديمة والحديثة
Also called reconstructive surgery, it specializes in repairing and reconstructing damaged or lost tissues throughout the body; As a result of accidents, disease, congenital defects, or even wrong surgeries, repair surgeries aim mainly to restore the function of tissues and skin, and return them to the normal state as much as possible, in addition to improving their appearance; Here, reconstructive surgeries differ from plastic surgeries, which are mainly carried out; to change the appearance of a healthy person; as he sees fit most.
What are burn repair surgeries?
They are operations through which the effects of burns are removed on the skin in order to improve the external appearance, and in some cases restore function as well. There are many techniques used in burn repair surgeries, which are determined by the doctor; Depending on the careful study of the case and the nature, size, and extent of the injury; On the basis of this, he will determine the type of surgery, the course of treatment, as well as the procedures for the recovery period. Especially since the accidents of burns are of various degrees, some of them are simple, which are sufficient to treat simple rudimentary steps, or use modern techniques such as lasers to hide traces and scars, and there are difficult cases that require surgical intervention.
What are the most prominent techniques used in repair surgeries?
This branch of surgery uses a wide range of orthodontic techniques, the most famous of which are:
- Removing parts of the skin from a healthy area, and used to replace lost or damaged skin, which is called (skin grafts).
- Transfer of a piece of tissue, along with the blood vessels that keep it alive, from a healthy part of the body to the damaged part, and this procedure is called (skin slide surgery).
- The third technique is tissue expansion, and it relies on stretching the surrounding tissues to stimulate the body to produce additional skin; It is then used to rebuild damaged areas.
- هناك مجموعة أخرى من التقنيات منها، نقل الدهون، وإغلاق الفراغات، ومستحضرات، وكريمات التمويه، واستخدام الأجهزة البديلة مثل الأطراف الصناعية..